Reporting Crimes
Any criminal act, or suspected criminal activity should be reported immediately to WUPD by calling 785.670.1300. Emergencies should be reported by calling 911. Any suspicious activity or persons on campus in parking lots, inside buildings, or around residence halls should be reported to WUPD. If reported to other WU personnel, they will assist students in making reports to WUPD. There are 13 emergency telephones located throughout campus. The telephones are mounted on stainless steel towers with the word "EMERGENCY" written on them; they have a blue light on top that flashes when the telephone is activated. These telephones are directly connected to the WUPD’s communication center, and can be used for any type of assistance needed.
The WUPD is located on campus in Morgan Hall, Room 156 (on the South side of Morgan Hall). There is a staff member present inside the Washburn Police Department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Reporting Crimes to University Officials - Campus Security Authorities
On Washburn University’s campus, it is preferred that crimes be reported to WUPD. If, however, a crime victim does not wish to report to law enforcement, a report may be made to a Campus Security Authority. Each person listed as a Campus Security Authority should submit reportable offenses to WUPD as they occur throughout the year.
Complaints of sexual violence or harassment can also be reported to the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Confidential Reporting
The WUPD encourages anyone who is the victim or witness to a crime to promptly report the incident to WUPD. Because police reports are subject to the Kansas Open Records Act, the WUPD cannot hold all reports in confidence. The University does not have procedures for voluntary, confidential reporting of crime statistics. While confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, all reasonable steps will be taken to protect the privacy of all involved. Victims of crime may speak confidentially with University Counseling Services. All reports of crime to any WU employees, Campus Security Authorities, or WUPD will be investigated. Violations of law will be referred to WUPD and, when appropriate, to the Title IX Coordinator or the Associate Vice President for Student Life for Student Conduct Code violation review. All crimes must be reported to WUPD to keep an accurate record of incidents, to determine if there is a pattern regarding a particular location, method, or assailant, and to alert the campus community to potential danger.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Washburn Police
Washburn Police
Morgan Hall, Room 135
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Ph: 785.670.1300
Ext: 1300 (on campus)
WUPD is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.